
Rhetoric (Grades 7-12)

Grades 7 - 12 are known as the “Rhetoric School” because this is the time that students begin to hone their skills in rhetoric (both oral and written).

BCS recognizes that students at this age naturally display traits like:

  • Concerned with present events, especially in own life
  • Interested in justice, fairness
  • Moving toward special interests, topics
  • Able to take on responsibility, independent work
  • Able to synthesize
  • Desires to express feelings, own ideas
  • Generally idealistic

Based on the student’s natural aptitude for these things, BCS teachers “with the grain” of the student by using teaching methods such as:

  • Drama, oral presentations
  • Guide research in major areas with goal of synthesis of ideas
  • Many papers, speeches, debates
  • Give responsibilities, e.g., working with younger students, organize activities
  • In-depth field trips
  • Worldview discussion/written papers
  • Socratic Dialogue 
BCS utilizes a range of instructional material that has been vetted for excellence in fulfilling the mission of the school and to align with the observations about students this age outlined above. In general, BCS uses primary source materials throughout the humanities so that students may encounter history and literature directly. Textbooks are used sparingly and mostly in the sciences.


BCS utilizes a range of instructional material that has been vetted for excellence in fulfilling the mission of the school and to align with the observations about students this age outlined above.

List of 9 items.

  • Bible and History

    At the center of our entire curriculum is the Bible. The Bible unifies all knowledge and is the standard by which we judge all things. At BCS, we partner with parents in the spiritual formation of their children. In the Grammar School, the emphasis is placed on basic Biblical concepts and facts, and the forming of godly habits (virtue). In addition to our core Bible material, History is studied sequentially using the Veritas History Program so that students have studied all the major events, persons, and changes in Western Civilizations from the Egyptians to current American History.
  • Language Arts

    We use the Spell to Write and Read (SWR) curriculum which provides for a multi-sensory approach to learning spelling, writing, and reading. This gives the student several neural avenues through hearing, moving, seeing, and doing. Students learn to build words with phonics and decode phonemes all while practicing writing letters in cursive to hone their fine motor skills.
  • English Grammar

    Grammar is a lost art in our society. At BCS, students practice The Shurley Method of grammar which provides a series of rhymes, chants, and gestures to teach the students the different parts of speech and how they interact. This lays the groundwork for students to learn how to compose eloquent and whimsical speeches and essays (which ultimately enables them to become clear thinkers and communicators). This works perfectly in conjunction with our writing program utilizing auditory, visual, and movement modes of learning for multiple pathways to the brain for high retention and skill building.
  • Literature

    One of the goals at Bloomfield Christian School is that books become a source of joy and passion for our students. We use the great books that have stood the test of time in forming generation after generation. By the opening of the book, the mind is expanded and stretched into worlds unknown so that we may better understand our own world. All of this is done under the light of The Book, God’s Holy Word.
  • Math

    Mathematics is one of the pillars of a truly liberal arts education. Therefore, BCS places a priority on learning mathematical concepts and problem-solving. To this end, we utilize Singapore Math which teaches through a three-tiered approach: concrete-pictorial-abstract. Students begin with concrete manipulatives (physical objects) to touch and see how basic arithmetic operations work. They then move on to pictorial bar-models which helps them “see” the number theory behind the concrete objects. Finally, students begin solving math problems in the abstract using what they’ve learned. This results in the mastery of math skills and knowledge.
  • Latin

    The study of Latin is essential to classical, Christian education for a number of reasons. It is the foundation of our own language (mastery of Latin vocabulary drastically increases the knowledge of English vocabulary, especially in sciences). Its grammatical structure helps us think more clearly and understand the grammar of English. Some of the greatest works of Western literature were written in Latin and students are enabled to encounter these great works directly without the need for translators. In the Grammar School, students begin by learning basic vocabulary from K-3, and in grades 4-6 they being their study of formal grammar which will continue through 10th-grade.
  • Science

    BCS firmly believes that God is revealed through his creation. As such, science is approached as an encounter of the wonderful, beautiful world God has created for us to enjoy and know Him. Each grade works through a thematic unit ranging from the study of bugs and insects to the study of the stars and astronomy. Emphasis is placed on acquiring the basic observational skills through hands-on experimentation, the memory and classification of regional biology, and developing a love and wonder of God’s creation.
  • Physical Education

    Play is an essential part of our development. We are embodied creatures and must learn to properly use and enjoy our bodies. Students are provided ample time for free play and structured training in the basic skills of bodily movement which can be developed for higher-level sports as they grow.
  • Fine and Performing Arts

    The visual (fine) and performing arts are an essential component of classical, Christian education. We are made in the image of God, who is the Master Artist. As such, the creation of and enjoyment of beauty is indispensable to us fulfilling our human nature. Beginning in Kindergarten, music classes meet regularly to learn the basics of music theory, performance, and to cultivate a love for the rhythm of numbers. In addition, a strings orchestra program runs throughout the curriculum further developing musical skills and appreciation.

    Students also begin working on artistic skills of painting, drawing, and sculpting by studying the masters and imitating them. Through this combination of analysis and practice students are enabled both to know the history of the development of art and acquire the skills of creating beautiful works of art.

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3570 Telegraph Road
Bloomfield Hills, MI, 48302
