Student Life

Omada System

What are Omadas?

Beginning in 7th grade, students are assigned to a team where they will remain a member until they graduate. Families are kept within the same Team. Leaders are selected for each of their Teams planning activities and organizing service projects. Throughout the school year, the three Omadas (teams) participate in an ongoing competition with rewards for each trimester.

The BCS Omadas exists to meet the following objectives:

  • Opportunity for interaction and community across grades
  • Leadership training
  • Mentorship by Team Leaders
  • Sense of competitive fun and support
  • Community service
  • Increase participation in school events
  • Faculty guidance
  • Cultivate a sense of school pride

The Omadas

The three Teams or Omadas are named after Greek city states: Corinth, Sparta and Athens. 

Tri-Annual Points
Each trimester, Teams will earn points for a variety of activities listed here:


List of 3 items.

  • Athens

    Faculty Advisors:  Mr. Cernucan and Mrs. Maryjean McRoberts
    Colors: Navy and White
    Grades: Seniors and 7th grade
  • Corinth

    Faculty Advisors: Mr. Caleb Little and Mrs. Adrianne Thomas
    Colors: Maroon and White
    Grades: 9th & 10th
  • Sparta

    Faculty Advisors: Mr. Landis and Mrs. Seaman
    Colors: Green and White
    Grades: 11th & 8th

Omada Competitions

Throughout the school year, the houses will compete in a unique competition every quarter as well as earn points for participating in and attending special events, academic performance, athletic participation, and good behavior.

List of 3 items.

  • Academic Performance

    Students will earn points for their Omadas based on their trimester GPA.
  • Athletic Participation

    Students who participate in BCS sports will earn points for their house. For athletics, the points will be awarded as follows: Fall Sports for 1st trimester; Winter Sports for 2nd trimester; Spring Sports for 3rd trimester.
  • Attending Special Events

    Students who attend a specified event (concerts, sporting events, etc.) will receive points for their Omadas. Not every event is eligible for points--these will be announced well ahead of time.

Special Competitions

Each quarter special competitions will be held to allow for houses to earn points:

First Quarter: Timber Wolf Retreat
Second Quarter: St. John Chrysostom Oratory Competition
Third Quarter: Field Day

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3570 Telegraph Road
Bloomfield Hills, MI, 48302
