Student Life

House System

How does the House System Work?

Beginning in 7th grade, students are assigned to a House where they will remain a member until they graduate. Families are kept within the same House. Seniors are the de facto leaders of each of their Houses providing leadership, planning activities, and organizing service projects. Throughout the school year, the four houses participate in an ongoing competition with quarterly rewards which culminates in the House Cup.

The BCS House System exists to meet the following objectives:

  • Opportunity for interaction and community across grades
  • Leadership training
  • Mentorship by House Leaders
  • Sense of competitive fun and support
  • Community service
  • Increase participation in school events
  • Faculty guidance
  • Cultivate a sense of school pride

The Houses

The four houses are named after four great English authors who have had a significant influence on society and culture, and on classical, Christian education. Below are the details for each house:

Quarterly Points
Every quarter, houses will earn points for a variety of activities listed here:

List of 4 items.

  • House of Chesteron

    Named for G.K. Chesterton
    Faculty Advisors: Mr. Cernucan and Ms. Klomparens
    Colors: Yellow and Blue
    Mascot: Eagle
    Motto: Fateamur data nobis

    Quotation: “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
  • House of Lewis

    Named for C.S. Lewis
    Faculty Advisors: Mrs. Backos and Mr. Beatty
    Colors: Purple and White
    Mascot: Lion
    Motto: Fac iustitiam. Dilige misericordiam. Humiliter ambula.

    Quotation: “As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on things and people: and, of course, as long as you are looking down you cannot see something that is above you.”
  • House of Sayers

    Named for Dorothy Sayers
    Faculty Advisors: Mr. Landis and Mrs. Kreig
    Colors: Red and Yellow
    Mascot: Griffin
    Motto: Ne timeamus at quaeramus optima

    Quotation: “Here be dragons to be slain, here be rich rewards to gain; If we perish in the seeking, why, how small a thing is death!”
  • House of Tolkien

    Named for J.R.R. Tolkien
    Faculty Advisors: Mr. Daniels and Mrs. McRoberts
    Colors: Gold and Black
    Mascot: Dragon
    Motto: Consequamur viam

    Quotation: “Roads go ever, ever on.”

House Competitions

Throughout the school year, the houses will compete in a unique competition every quarter as well as earn points for participating in and attending special events, academic performance, athletic participation, and good behavior.

List of 5 items.

  • Academic Performance

    Students will earn points for their house for the first three quarters based on their quarter GPA.
  • Athletic Participation

    Students who participate in BCS  sports will earn points for their house. For athletics, the points will be awarded as follows: Fall Sports for 1st quarter; Winter Sports for 2nd quarter; Spring Sports for 3rd quarter.
  • Attending Special Events

    Students who attend a specified event (concerts, sporting events, etc.) will receive points for their house. Not every event is eligible for points--these will be announced well ahead of time.
  • Good Behavior

    Students can earn bonus points throughout the year for displaying a consistent positive attitude, demonstrating school spirit and being a good role model for their peers.
  • Special Events Participation

    Students who participate in a specified event (choir, MACS competitions, etc.) will receive points for their house. For year-long programs like choir, points will be awarded quarterly (but at a reduced fraction to be spread out).  Not every event is eligible for points--these will be announced well ahead of time.

Special Competitions

Each quarter special competitions will be held to allow for houses to earn points:

First Quarter: Rhetoric School Timber Wolf Retreat
Second Quarter: St. John Chrysostom Oratory Competition
Third Quarter: Knowledge Bowl
Fourth Quarter: Field Day

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3570 Telegraph Road
Bloomfield Hills, MI, 48302
